Dec 31, 2017
In our 300th episode, Bryan Callen talks with Jordan Peterson about his self authoring program, the Wilfred Laurier scandal, political polarization, how to set the right goals, sex, and individualism. Check out the High Def Video Version of this episode on our YouTube Channel. Search "Mixed Mental Arts" on YouTube,...
Dec 29, 2017
Katherine Ludwig is a former corporate finance and securities lawyer-turned writer and editor. Now, she has authored Humility is the New Smart: Rethinking Human Excellence in the Smart Machine Age. The ideas that Katherine and her co-author, Ed Hess, lay out in their book are slightly uncomfortable for Bryan. You can...
Dec 23, 2017
After fighting in the first gulf war, John Nagl returned to the United States and took part in a simulated military exercise. As a tank commander, he had all the overwhelming firepower any soldier could hope for…and yet he lost to a group of Alaskan National Guard infantrymen, known as the Nanooks. Nagl’s unit was...
Dec 22, 2017
Growing up in Soviet-controlled Romania, Adrian Bejan found himself living in system that tried to prevent of ideas, money, goods and people. It’s only fitting then that his career would not only see him bridging the divide between disciplines but studying flow itself. In 1995 while designing more efficient cooling...
Dec 15, 2017
In the wake of the US Civil War, the Republican Party had won itself a lot of political goodwill. The Party of Lincoln, as it was called, could, in the eyes of many, do no wrong. Not only had it brought the country together but it had ended the great national shame of slavery. It was in this environment where the party...